
We love different.
Who we are
Who we are

The X Team is the heart-mind engine that fuels Superstar X.

We are heart-centred and open-minded humxns who co-create goodness for the superstar in all of us.

We believe everyone is different in their own unique way and that our commonality is our humxnity.

We love co-creating "X" to celebrate being humxn and destigmatize being different.

The X Team

Agents for social change.

“ I am having a bit of a hard time understanding how [LOVE 2022] is not a huge global event. What you are doing is so important!!  I really do believe that everyone would benefit from seeing what you are doing. There was this openness in the session that was not pushy or one-sided (which is sometimes the case when it comes to big topics like these). It was just so welcoming and gave space for healing and deeper understanding and curiosity. You don’t limit your audience with biases. Instead, you’ve created this incredible platform for growth!! ”


Love 2022 ( The 1st X Summit )

Our Ethos

We care about you.

Are you different ?

We love different.