Sarah McPherson

A 2Spirit Anishinaabe Experimental Photographer

Sarah (they/she) is a 2Spirit Anishinaabe youth from Couchiching First Nation. Raised in Anemki Wequedong (Thunder Bay), within the Treaty Territory of the Fort William First Nation, Sarah works extensively in the local arts community, dedicating her time to a variety of collectives including Fortify This, Neechee Studio, Nefarious Film Co., and the Solidarity Collective. Sarah holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in English at Lakehead University and works primarily with experimental photography to explore language and our connection with the natural world. 

Her work has been exhibited at Co.Lab Gallery and Definitely Superior Art Gallery, and printed in several publications, including ROOM, The Walleye, and The Argus. Support an X Artist by following her on Instagram @sarmcpherson or at and brighten their day by purchasing a piece, including fine art prints and more! Your purchases directly support Sarah (60%), pay-it-forward (10%), and Superstar X (30%) to celebrate being humxn and destigmatize being different.

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Purchase Art: Film Soup

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