Jessica Vandenberghe
Superstar X is honoured to collaborate with Jessica and her organization, Guiding Star Consulting (GSC), which furthers Truth and Reconciliation awareness and acts as a bridge to Indigenous communities. GSC offers governance, strategic planning, public and community engagement, communication strategy, grant application writing, and consultation advice to Indigenous Communities and those looking to build strong and authentic relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Communities. GSC also provides cultural awareness training and implementation advice for the Calls to Action.
Jessica, born of the Dene Thá First Nation and raised in an inclusive German family in northern Alberta, has had an exceptional career. With two engineering degrees from the University of Alberta (Treaty 6), she has worked in the oil sands, mining, regulatory, infrastructure, consulting industries, and now academia. As an Indigenous Professional Engineer, she is also the Assistant Dean, Community and Culture, at the University of Victoria (Traditional Territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən People, who are now known as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations.).
As a mother of two, Jessica is passionate about equity, diversity, and inclusion. She serves on many boards and councils, navigates various governance worlds, and contributes to developing well-rounded and ethically minded engineering students who will ultimately build strong and vibrant communities within Canada.
Jessica is dedicated to the journey of listening, (un)learning, and taking action to eradicate the dis-ease of colonization, racism, and other injustices, particularly in support of Indigenous Peoples, Black People, People of Colour, and 2SLGBTQ+ communities.
More Info: LinkedIn