Getting Closer

April 17, 2024

Alright, so we're getting a little closer to seeing Superstar X's new look...

Do you remember what Superstar X's brand used to look like?

The logotype was called Nasalization and the logomark was the namesake character, Superstar X, a neurodivergent and gender-nonconforming being who represented the essence of humxnity, along with Sigma Bunny, a forever-friend. The designs were a mash-up ode to our '80s roots and, of course, it had an outerspace influence...

On the original logomark, Superstar X's helmet has a reflection of the Pleiades, known both as an asterism—a recognizable star pattern—and an open star cluster, comprising over 1,000 stars. Situated within the Taurus constellation, they reside approximately 410 light-years away from Earth. If you're wondering why this constellation...

Dating back to Eduard (aka "Billy") Meier's childhood at 11 years old in 1942 (side note: Is 42 really the answer to "the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything," as postulated in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams?), he asserts that he's had hundreds of interactions with extraterrestrial beings, called Plejarens, who reside in the Pleiades and act as spiritual mentors for humxnity to journey toward a peaceful evolution.

And, this brings us back to another Edward (my brother) and his assertion that he communicates with aliens, as seen throughout all of his pop-graffiti artwork...

This time around, Superstar X's new logomark has transformed into a more modern and metaphorical ode to its origin story. However, its essence is still there, symbolizing our ethos to fulfil Superstar X's purpose: to celebrate being humxn and destigmatize being different.  

Stay tuned for more to come!

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