Why Roswell?

May 23, 2024

So, why Roswell, NM?

Given I've been focusing on the relaunch of Superstar X's brand, it brought me back to the origin story, which of course includes my brother, Edward...

He attended the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West (UWC-USA) in Montezuma, NM, about 3 hours away from Roswell... and, in circa 1999, Edward informed our family that he communicates with aliens.

Over the years, I've become increasingly curious about what Edward shared with me, and I've become more open to otherworldly realities... I'm especially curious about the closeness of The 1947 Roswell UFO Incident to where Edward attended UWC-USA. The proximity seems synchronously meaningful.

So, my curiosity about all of this brought me to Roswell. Although almost 3,000 km away from Tkaronto, I somehow felt closer to Edward by going on this road trip.

First stop was the Roswell Visitor Center (thank you to the friendly hostesses and the great photo op!)...

I'm temporarily foregoing my vanity to include this photo op at the Roswell Visitor Center. 😉

Next up was the International UFO Museum and Research Center (thank you to the founders and curators, for their amazing work to bring this information together)...

From the moment I arrived, I was captivated by all of the detailed sightings shared by so many people, near Roswell and beyond. Upon entering the International UFO Museum and Research Center, there is a plaque that provides an overview of what The 1947 Roswell UFO Incident is about.

🛑 Note: There are alien props in the following two videos that may be unsettling. Please exercise caution.

There are so many things to see and do in Roswell... I also went aboard the Spaceport Roswell, where I experienced The 1947 Roswell UFO Incident from the perspective of aliens, using a VR headset. Very cool!

Despite the evidence, there remains a conflation of stigma toward those who have seen aliens, or believe in their existence, and those who have a mental illness...

Why is it "crazy" to believe that aliens exist?

Why is a mental health challenge or mental illness not readily treated with the same respect and care that physical illness is granted?

🛑 Note: The video below talks about suicide ideation. Please exercise caution.

What do you believe?

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