Elder Ma-Nee Chacaby

Two-Spirit Cree Knowledge Keeper, Artist, Activist, Public Speaker, Author, and Actor

Elder Ma-Nee (she/he) is a Two-Spirit Cree Knowledge Keeper, artist, activist, public speaker, author, and actor, residing in Anemki Wequedong (Thunder Bay) within the Treaty Territory of the Fort William First Nation. Renowned for her memoir, A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder, Elder Ma-Nee's life story is a profound account of resilience. As a strong advocate for youth and humxnity, she speaks the Truth for Reconciliation throughout Turtle Island, embodying a heart-centred approach.

Deeply inspired by Creator, Ma-Nee's art reflects love and forgiveness, often featuring the Canada Goose, symbolizing the 8th Sacred Teaching of forgiveness. Her creative journey includes drum-making, painting, and various traditional crafts, drawing people in with its natural depth and storytelling. Explore Elder Ma-Nee’s current exhibition, 23 Days to Love My Self,” at The X Shop. Purchases support her (60%), pay-it-forward (10%), and Superstar X (30%) to celebrate being humxn and destigmatize being different. Brighten Elder Ma-Nee's day by purchasing her fine art prints, wearable art, and more at The X Shop!

Ma-Nee also provides guided tours of her art exhibition, "23 Days to Love Myself," at Superstar X's The X Gallery in Virtual Reality. In addition to overseeing all Indigenous programming for The X Summits, at LOVE 2022: an (un)Learning Summit for Truth & (re)Conciliation, Ma-Nee shared her art and stories including a feature article for the cover of LOVE 2022's Superstar X Magazine. Ma-Nee is also participating in the sequel, LOVE 2024, scheduled from September 30 to December 10; check out www.thexsummit.xyz for more info.

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