Deconstructing X

May 3, 2024

Now, officially introducing Superstar X's new brand... here it is in its full-infographic glory:

The poster above was revealed in 12 blocks on Instagram, and the last piece was about trusting one's intuition, which is symbolized by the logomark's antennae, "transcending colonized ways of knowing, direct knowledge is readily accessed and expressed."

And, this got me to thinking about what life would be like if colonizers hadn't "led" the way to where we are today, all around the world... and, if white heteropatriarchy or cisheteropatriarchy weren't the predominant norms.

And wondering, what it would be like to live in a world where we were predictably good to ourselves, each other, Mother Earth, and beyond.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a society, or a world, that was primarily led by Indigenous Peoples, fully integrating Indigenous Worldviews...

I imagine TRC and MMIWG would not be a reality… 💔

I imagine films like "Leaving the World Behind" and "The Day After Tomorrow" would be ridiculously far from the truth, rather than looming possibilities. And, documentaries like "The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit & Power" could be replaced with something like "The Collective: Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing," written, directed, and produced by Indigenous Peoples.

I also imagine we wouldn't be spending billions on projects to colonize Mars.

There's so much to (un)learn and (re)imagine, which makes me think of John Lennon's "Imagine"...

I want to imagine world peace as a real possibility rather than a daydream.

I want to imagine a world without greed or hunger.

I want to imagine a world that inherently shares... and cares.

I want to imagine that one day soon "the world will live as one."So, thank you for being here... thank you for being on this winding journey called life.

Thank you for trusting your intuition and bringing greater peace to your part of this world, inside and out. Thank you for this hope.

Fuelled by a purpose to celebrate being humxn and destigmatize being different, Superstar X is also on this winding journey... and we deeply appreciate you being part of our ethos and evolution.

Thank you for your openness to connect.

🎨 Artwork: "Passage" by Edward K. Weatherly.

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