Big Questions

April 13, 2024

As I type this on a cloudy Saturday morning, I'm reflecting on some of life's big questions...

Who am I? Other than, Nicole.

Me (Nicole), Edward (my brother), and our family dog, Butch.

Where do I come from? Other than, my parents and Czar, Alberta (Treaty 6).

A view from my childhood home in Czar, Alberta (Treaty 6).

What’s the meaning of life? To love and be loved? To experience joy and connection?

A pondering Cardinal.

If aliens don't exist, why is there such secrecy and stigma associated with their existence?

My brother, Edward, told me he communicates with aliens... and they are the main characters in all of his pop-graffiti artwork.

"The Love Aliens Family" by Edward K. Weatherly

For me, the search for answers to life's big questions is somehow related to Superstar X... and, particularly, Superstar X is my way of staying connected with myself, Edward, Humxnity, and the Universe...

What thoughts are you pondering today?

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